Generative AI ChatGPT Can Disturbingly Gobble Up Your Private And Confidential Data, Forewarns AI Ethics And AI Law
For example, most of the AI makers devise generative AI to respond to users by phrasings such as “I will help you” or “We can figure this out together” as though the AI is a human. As per the research study points noted above, people can readily anthropomorphize AI. This means that they begin to think of generative AI as being human.
And there is a logical and entirely computationally sound reason for why generative AI “reacts” to your use of emotional wording. For various examples and further detailed indications about the nature and use of emotionally worded prompting, see my coverage at the link here. For various examples and further detailed indications about the nature and use of going from Deepfakes to Truefakes via prompting, see my coverage at the link here. For various examples and further detailed indications about the nature and use of CoD or chain-of-density prompting, see my coverage at the link here.
Being Addicted To Generative AI
The idea of using the very item that is the core of your addiction to fight the addiction defies credulity. Let’s fight fire with fire, doing so by using generative AI to aid people who are overcome with a generative AI addiction. You likely observe that ChatGPT is familiar with the generative AI addiction topic. Yes, I just said that you can use generative AI to find out more about generative AI addiction.
Sometimes, a more gradual approach turns out to be a more sustainable means of overcoming an addiction. A twist on this twist is that a person might simply switch to some other generative AI app. You see, if they don’t like what one AI is saying or doing, they could seek out a more accommodating generative AI.
We should either seek to “prove” that this can never happen, or “prove” the existence that it can happen and aim to explain how and when. As noted earlier, some would proclaim that only a human-to-human relationship can ever be a real relationship. They strenuously exhort that no matter what you do, an AI is not going to form a real relationship with a human. The retort is that it is presumably better than if no therapist is doing the oversight.
They can really mess up and potentially enter top-level secret info into an AI app. I’m referring to an aspect that might be quite surprising to those of you that are eagerly and earnestly making use of the latest in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The data that you enter into an AI app is potentially not at all entirely private to you and you alone. It could be that your data is going to be utilized by the AI maker to presumably seek to improve their AI services or might be used by them and/or even their allied partners for a variety of purposes. Some people say that there is no need to learn about the composing of good prompts.
Lawyers can do so too, perhaps enamored of the AI or not taking a deep breath and reflecting on what legal repercussions can arise when using generative AI. In my ongoing research and consulting, I interact regularly with a lot of attorneys that are keenly interested in using AI in the field of law. Various LegalTech programs are getting connected to AI capabilities. A lawyer can use ChatGPT generative AI to compose a draft of a contract or compose other legal documents. In addition, if the attorney made an initial draft themselves, they can pass the text over to a generative AI app such as ChatGPT to take a look and see what holes or gaps might be detected. For more about how attorneys and the legal field are opting to make use of AI, see my discussion at the link here.
What ChatGPT And Generative AI Mean For Your Business?
In that case, it would seem a rather realistic step to make the logical hop toward believing that generative AI can also be addictive. The TR-3 as a major type is the AI-to-human therapeutic relationship. This consists of an AI client that is interacting with a human therapist. By and large, the data training was done on a widespread basis and involved smatterings of this or that along the way. Generative AI in that instance is not specialized in a specific domain and instead might be construed as a generalist. If you want to use generic generative AI to advise you about financial issues, legal issues, medical issues, and the like, you ought to not consider doing so.
As a side note, those added twenty techniques have been detailed in my column and were posted after having done that earlier all-in-one recap. For example, a therapist might perceive that they have formed a real relationship with a particular client, but the client doesn’t perceive the relationship to be real. The client might express that the relationship seems shallow or tenuous. Meanwhile, the therapist might believe that the relationship is fully formed and suitable for the therapeutic process.
The most notable of the existing generative AI apps is one called ChatGPT which is devised by the firm OpenAI. Do you know what happens to your confidential data that you enter into a generative AI app such as … As with any new technology in the workplace, people are concerned about the potential job loss due to generative AI, or AI in general. Policymakers and industrial leaders say it probably won’t steal anyone’s job, but it will reshape some professions.
Please be aware that there are ongoing efforts to imbue Ethical AI principles into the development and fielding of AI apps. A growing contingent of concerned and erstwhile AI ethicists are trying to ensure that efforts to devise and adopt AI takes into account a view of doing AI For Good and averting AI For Bad. Likewise, there are proposed new AI laws that are being bandied around as potential solutions to keep AI endeavors from going amok on human rights and the like. For my ongoing and extensive coverage of AI Ethics and AI Law, see the link here and the link here, just to name a few. This handing over of your data is happening in the most innocuous of ways and by potentially thousands or on the order of millions of people. There is a type of AI known as generative AI that has recently garnered big headlines and the rapt attention of the public at large.
Anyway, you can imagine the legal wrangling of trying to pin them down on this, and their attempts to wordsmith their way out of being nabbed for somehow violating the bounds of their disclaimer. When I tell people that this is how the mechanics of the processing are insurance coverage clients prepared for generative ai? work, they are often stunned. They assumed that a generative AI app such as ChatGPT must use wholly integrative words. We logically assume that words act as the keystone for statistically identifying relationships in written narratives and compositions.
Tempus AI shares jump 8% in strong Nasdaq debut as US IPO market thaws
This certainly seems zany since we are leveraging the very aspect that is at the crux of the addiction being considered. There is a growing interest in studying and analyzing the nature of addictions to generative AI. Rising concerns about addiction to generative AI and what might be done about the pressing issue. Yes, I realize that is the sci-fi version of this use case.
There is another oft-speculated claim that there is no need to learn prompt engineering because advances in AI technology are going to make prompting obsolete. Another 33% said they feel their firm currently views generative AI and its potential contribution as a ”critical” or ”high” priority. In an era when generative AI is rapidly becoming ubiquitous, that piece of advice doesn’t seem like it could hold water. Maybe we can rejigger generative AI to accommodate the possibility of becoming addicted. In that case, let’s be smart about trying to prevent addictions from readily occurring.
S&P Global and Accenture Partner to Enable Customers and Employees to Harness the Full Potential of Generative AI – Newsroom Accenture
S&P Global and Accenture Partner to Enable Customers and Employees to Harness the Full Potential of Generative AI.
Posted: Tue, 06 Aug 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]
NEENAH – Using generative AI — a form of artificial intelligence — is being embraced by two Neenah-area companies as they seek to reduce costs and improve efficiency. It ranged from A to Z (kind of, the last item starts with the letter V, though I was tempted to purposely make a prompting technique name that began with the letter Z, just for fun). Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is hot and continues to gain steam. You provide external text that gets imported and via in-context modeling augments the data training of generative AI.
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As noted, this research and generally most such research provides ample evidence that relationships are a crucial component for any mental health therapy endeavor. An interesting twist is whether the client perceives the relationship as shall we say “real” (solid or deep), and likewise, whether the therapist ChatGPT App perceives the relationship as “real” (solid or deep). At times, the perceptions of each participant might differ significantly. Earlier, I had proffered the supposition that the relationship of the client-therapist is integral to the journey and outcome of the mental health therapy taking place.
In 2023, generative AI made inroads in customer service – TechTarget
In 2023, generative AI made inroads in customer service.
Posted: Wed, 06 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]
They might also ask ChatGPT to suggest a rewording or redo of the composed text for them. A new and better version of the contract is then produced by the generative AI app. The lawyer grabs up the outputted text and plops it into a word processing file. At first, a newbie user will likely enter something fun and carefree. Tell me about the life and times of George Washington, someone might enter as a prompt.
For various examples and further detailed indications about the nature and use of persistent context and custom instructions, see my coverage at the link here. Similar to using macros in spreadsheets, you can use macros in your prompts while working in generative AI. For various examples and further detailed indications about the nature and use of prompt macros, see my coverage at the link here. Does it make a difference to use emotionally expressed wording in your prompts when conversing with generative AI?
For example, the word “hamburger” would normally be divided into three tokens consisting of the portion “ham”, “bur”, and “ger”. A rule of thumb is that tokens tend to represent about four characters or are considered approximately 75% of a conventional English word. Whatever you see or read in a generative AI response that seems to be conveyed as purely factual (dates, places, people, etc.), make sure to remain skeptical and be willing to double-check what you see. A bit of a nagging problem though is that few of the generative AI large-scale apps allow this right now. They are all pretty much working on an our-cloud-only basis. Few have made available the option of having an entire instance carved out just for you.
The use of “other” in my list is due to the possibility of other ways to cope with preventing confidential data from getting included, which I will be further covering in a future column posting. First, let’s briefly consider what happens when you enter some text into a prompt for ChatGPT. We don’t know for sure what is happening inside ChatGPT since the program is considered proprietary.
Right now, most of the major generative AI apps have been set up by their respective AI makers to not tell you how to make a Molotov cocktail. This is being done in a sense voluntarily by the AI makers and there aren’t any across-the-board laws per se that stipulate they must enact such a restriction (for the latest on AI laws, see my coverage at the link here). The overarching belief by AI makers is that the public at large would be in grand dismay if AI gave explanations for making explosive devices or discussing other societally disconcerting issues. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, do not enter confidential or private data into these generative AI apps.
Ultimately, when composing or generating the outputted essay, these numeric tokens are first used, and then before being displayed, the tokens are converted back into sets of letters and words. This AI app leverages a technique and technology in the AI realm that is often referred to as Generative AI. The AI generates outputs such as text, which is what ChatGPT does. Other generative-based AI apps produce images such as pictures or artwork, while others generate audio files or videos.
Perhaps you’ve used a generative AI app, such as the popular ones of ChatGPT, GPT-4o, Gemini, Bard, Claude, etc. The crux is that generative AI can take input from your text-entered prompts and produce or generate a response that seems quite fluent. This is a vast overturning of the old-time natural language processing (NLP) that used to be stilted and awkward to use, which has been shifted into a new version of NLP fluency of an at times startling or amazing caliber. Nearly everyone would seem to be vaguely familiar with the notion of addictions and becoming addicted to one item or another.
You will see in a few moments that this is not a hard-and-fast iron-clad rule. Be cautious in mindlessly trying to label someone as addicted to generative AI. Just because someone uses generative AI with great frequency does not mean they are addicted to it. Be wary of making false positives whereby you assign a classification of being an addict of generative AI when the person has no such bearings.
It could be that you are only on a short-term ticking clock and that in a year or so the skills you homed in prompting will be no longer needed. The techniques and approaches of prompt engineering provide a fighting chance at getting things done efficiently and effectively while using generative AI. Sure, the precepts and recommendations are not a one-hundred percent assurance. Those who shrug their shoulders and fall into random attempts at prompting will end up getting their just deserves. They will likely spin their wheels endlessly and ultimately give up using generative AI in self-disgust.
Eventually, and probably soon, there will be studies that have carefully examined the propensity, and we might end up with tangible and reliable numbers. I dare suggest that if you tried using any of the major generative AI apps, you probably would right away sense why someone might become addicted to using them. The AI won’t complain, it won’t insult you (unless you ask it to do so) and will interact as though the AI is your best-ever friend.
In today’s column, I am going to unpack the nature of how data that you enter and data that you receive from generative AI can be potentially compromised with respect to privacy and confidentiality. The AI makers make available their licensing requirements and you would be wise to read up on those vital stipulations before you start actively using an AI app with any semblance of real data. I will walk you through an example of such licensing, doing so for the ChatGPT AI app. The above list of prompt engineering techniques was shown in alphabetical order. Target-your-response (TAYOR) is a prompt engineering technique that entails telling generative AI the desired look-and-feel of to-be-generated responses. For various examples and further detailed indications about the nature and use of TAYOR or target-your-response prompting, see my coverage at the link here.
Second, you should begin to find ways to undercut the addiction. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. Remove temptations that drive you to use generative AI. Seek out other outlets for your time and attention. I’ve been hammering away so far on the side of becoming addicted, so let’s shift gears and figure out ways to overcome an addiction to generative AI.
If you carefully examine that definition, you’ll notice that OpenAI declares that it can use the content as they deem necessary to maintain its services, including complying with applicable laws and enforcing its policies. Loyal readers might remember my prior recap of prompt engineering techniques, see my detailed discussion at the link here. You’ll be pleased and hopefully elated to know that this latest incarnation contains fifty essential prompting approaches and incorporates that prior coverage here.
Third, and perhaps most importantly, there is value in getting the techniques onto the table which ultimately aids combatting the bamboozlement. This analysis of an innovative proposition is part of my ongoing column coverage on the latest in AI including identifying and explaining various impactful AI complexities (see the link here). In today’s column, I examine various ways to bamboozle generative AI. When you enter plain text into a prompt and hit return, there is presumably a conversion that right away happens. The text is converted into a format consisting of tokens.
First, I will share with you a thumbnail sketch of the overarching nature and scope of addictions. Following that foundational stage setting, I’ll make sure you are handily up-to-speed about generative AI and large language models (LLMs). Doing so will dovetail into revealing the highly notable and innovative intertwining of these two modern-day momentous topics. Please read the full list of posting rules found in our site’s Terms of Service.
One is substance addictions such as when addicted to drugs. The other group or type entails non-substance addictions. An addiction to social media and/or an addiction to the Internet would be considered non-substance addiction.
I want to also emphasize that you should not rely solely on asking generative AI about generative AI addiction. Generative AI can produce all manner of falsehoods, errors, and other troubling outputs and responses. Some falsely think that this is the only way generative AI can be set up. In a manner of speaking, the design to some degree can foster inclinations toward becoming addicted. I’ve predicted that we might very well see lawsuits against AI makers for how they designed their generative AI apps, legally arguing that the addiction was insidiously devised via intentional or purposeful machination. I will also note that there should not be false negatives at play.
- There have been some zany outsized claims on social media about Generative AI asserting that this latest version of AI is in fact sentient AI (nope, they are wrong!).
- All kinds of settings can be adjusted to make generative AI less alluring, more proactive about being selective and judicious with its usage, and seek to steer someone away from being addicted to generative AI.
- ChatGPT is a logical choice in this case due to its immense popularity as a generative AI app.
By this, I mean that someone who demonstrably does have the symptoms of being addicted to generative AI should not be overlooked or shrugged off. They might proclaim they are not addicted to generative AI, and others around them might off-handedly agree. If the matter is serious, please take it seriously.